Posting Date:
Friday, February 14, 2020 - 11:15
GRTA Announcement(s)
The Guam Regional Transit Authority (GRTA) announces there will be a regular board meeting scheduled for 9:30am, Thursday, February 20, 2020. The meeting will be held in the DPW CIP Conference Room, 1st floor of Building B located at the Department of Public Works Compound, 542 North Marine Corps Drive, Upper Tumon, Guam.
Paratransit riders please make your reservation at least one (1) day prior to your scheduled pick up time. Please call our Dispatch office at 647-7433/34/35.
Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids or more information may contact Myra Hernandez at 475-4686 or Cynthia Terlaje at 475-4616. Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. Closed on weekends and GovGuam Holidays.
Paratransit riders please make your reservation at least one (1) day prior to your scheduled pick up time. Please call our Dispatch office at 647-7433/34/35.
Individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids or more information may contact Myra Hernandez at 475-4686 or Cynthia Terlaje at 475-4616. Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. Closed on weekends and GovGuam Holidays.